(1) Medical Tourism Surgeries (2) Post Covid Re-Life Rejuvenation (3) Medical Tourism Health Packages
(4) Re-Life Therapy For Sure Cure of Diseases (5) Re-Life Therapy For Mental Health
(6) Re-Life Therapy For Safe Pregnancy & Intelligent Child (7) Avoid Surgeries & Organ Transplants

Why India? Why Medical Tourism?

India Has Hi-Tech Hospitals, Best Health Infrastructure, Proficient and World-Renowned Doctors. The Cost of Medical Treatment and Surgery in India are the Lowest in the World. As India is the Birth Place Of Ayurveda, Integrated Treatment for Many Diseases in India is Par Excellent.

India is a Leading Player in the Medical Tourist/healthcare Facilitation Industry. It is Increasingly Emerging as the Destination of Choice for a Wide Range of Medical Procedures. There are Numerous Advantages of Going to India for Treatment.

Advantages of Medical Treatment in India
  • Internationally Accredited Medical Facilities Using the Latest Technologies
  • Highly Qualified Physicians/Surgeons and Hospital Support Staff
  • Significant Cost Savings Compared to Private Healthcare Cost in Your Country
  • Options for Private Room, Translator, Private Chef, Dedicated Staff, etc During Your Stay and Many Other Tailor Made Services
  • Can Easily be Combined With a Holiday / Business Trip as India is an Incredible Tourist Destination
Cost Comparison
Heart Bypass 123000 7900 27000 1500017200 28000 27000 12100 13900 14400 14800 14000 26000
% Cost compared to cost in USA 6% 22% 12% 14% 23% 22% 10% 11% 12% 12% 11% 21%
Angioplasty 28200 4200 10400 4200 13400 7500 13800 8000 4800 5000 7100 5300 17700
% Cost compared to cost in USA 15% 37% 15% 48% 27% 49% 28% 17% 18% 25% 19% 63%
Heart Valve Replacement 170000 9500 28200 17200 16900 28500 30000 13500 17200 14400 10450 19000 39900
% Cost compared to cost in USA 6% 17% 10% 10% 17% 18% 8% 10% 8% 6% 11% 23%
Hip Replacement 40364 8000 13500 17000 13900 36000 13600 8000 13900 8000 8400 5500 21000 9250
% Cost compared to cost in USA 4% 33% 42% 34% 86% 34% 4% 34% 20% 20% 14% 52% 23%
Hip Resurfacing 28000 9000 12500 13500 16350 20100 13200 12500 10100 9000 10500 9200 19500 NA
% Cost compared to cost in USA 32% 45% 48% 58% 72% 47% 45% 36% 32% 38% 33% 70%
Knee Replacement 35000 6600 12900 14000 16000 25000 12500 7700 10400 9500 7200 8200 17500 8000
% Cost compared to cost in USA 19% 39% 40% 46% 71% 36% 22% 30% 27% 21% 23% 50% 23%
Spinal Fusion 110000 6000 15400 9500 12800 33500 15700 6000 16800 10000 14500 6200 16900 6150
% Cost compared to cost in USA 5% 14% 9% 12% 30% 14% 5% 15% 9% 13% 6% 15% 6%
Bone Marrow Transplant 800000 30000 30000 30000 30000 200000 30000 30000 47000 66000 NA NA NA NA
% Cost compared to cost in USA 4% 4% 4% 4% 25% 4% 4% 6% 8%
Dental Implant 2500 800 900 1720 2700 1200 800 1500 1100 900 1200 925 1350 NA
% Cost compared to cost in USA 32% 36% 69% 108% 48% 32% 60% 44% 36% 48% 37% 54%
Lap Band 14000 6500 6500 11500 9200 17300 9450 8150 8600 7000 8500 6700 10200 NA
% Cost compared to cost in USA 46% 46% 82% 66% 124% 68% 58% 61% 50% 61% 48% 73%
Gastric Sleeve 16500 6000 8900 9900 11500 20000 11500 8400 12900 7500 11200 9400 9950 NA
% Cost compared to cost in USA 36% 54% 60% 68% 121% 68% 51% 78% 45% 68% 57% 60%
Gastric Bypass 25000 7000 11500 16800 13700 24000 12900 9900 13800 7500 12200 9750 10900 NA
% Cost compared to cost in USA 28% 46% 67% 55% 96% 52% 40% 55% 30% 49% 39% 43%
Hysterectomy 15400 2200 4500 3650 10400 14500 6900 4200 7000 6600 2900 2200 10400 NA
% Cost compared to cost in USA 14% 29% 24% 68% 94% 45% 27% 45% 43% 19% 14% 68%
Breast Implants 6400 2500 3800 3500 8400 3800 3500 3800 4500 4000 2500 3900 3800 4000
% Cost compared to cost in USA 39% 59% 55% 131% 59% 55% 59% 70% 63% 39% 61% 59% 63%
Rhinoplasty 6500 2100 3800 3300 2200 4600 3800 2200 3100 2900 4500 2500 3980 2100
% Cost compared to cost in USA 32% 58% 51% 34% 71% 58% 34% 48% 45% 69% 38% 61% 32%
Face Lift 11000 440 4900 3950 440 6800 4500 3550 6700 3950 4000 4000 6000 4150
% Cost compared to cost in USA 4% 45% 36% 4% 62% 41% 32% 61% 36% 36% 36% 55% 38%
Liposuction 5500 1400 3000 2500 2900 2500 2800 2500 3000 1400 2500 1800 2900 3000
% Cost compared to cost in USA 25% 55% 45% 53% 45% 51% 45% 55% 25% 45% 33% 53% 55%
Tummy Tuck 8000 3500 4500 5300 4650 10900 5000 3900 4000 4200 3500 3550 5000 3000
% Cost compared to cost in USA 44% 56% 66% 58% 136% 63% 49% 50% 53% 44% 44% 63% 38%
Hair Transplant 15000 1200 8000 8000 6000 4500 2200 8000 2000 NA 4700 6300 6000 1500
% Cost compared to cost in USA 8% 53% 53% 40% 30% 15% 53% 13% 31% 42% 40% 10%
Lasik (both eyes) 4000 1000 1900 2310 3800 3800 2400 3450 1700 4900 2400 1850 1700 1720
% Cost compared to cost in USA 25% 48% 58% 95% 95% 60% 86% 43% 122% 60% 46% 43% 43%
Cornea (per eye) 17500 2800 N/A 3600 9000 N/A 9800 N/A 7000 5000 N/A N/A N/A
% Cost compared to cost in USA 16% 21% 51% 56% 40% 29%
Cataract surgery (per eye) 3500 750 2100 1800 3250 3700 1700 3000 1600 2400 1600 750
% Cost compared to cost in USA 21% 60% 51% 93% 105% 49% 86% 46% 69% 46% 21%
IVF Treatment 12400 2500 5000 4100 14900 5500 N/A 6900 5200 5000 5450 4900 7900
% Cost compared to cost in USA 20% 40% 33% 120% 44% 56% 42% 40% 44% 40% 64%
How We Work
    We work in 8 simple ways
  • Step:1 Get in Touch With Us
  • Step:2 You get Medical Opinion & Cost Estimation
  • Step:3 You Choose From Options
  • Step:4 We Arrange Your Medical Visa, Appointments, Accomodation, Extra Services etc.
  • Step:5 You Arrive in India; We Organize Your Entire Treatment & Other Logistics
  • Step:6 You Recover and Undergo Post-Treatment Check Up
  • Step:7 Treatment Done
  • Step:8 You Return Home, Healthy and Happy
Travel and Accomodation
  • Connectivity to India

    To Help You Access Everything You Want to Know About Air Travel in India, We Have This Section Where We Feature, Among Other, Connectivity to India From Different Countries, Major Airlines Operating, Major Airports in India, Average Cost of Flights, Alternative Modes of Transport

  • Immigration

    To Help You Access Everything You Want to Know About Immigration, We Have This Section Where We Feature, Details of Foreigner's Regional Registration Offices (Primarily for Visa Extension / Renewal Which May be Required for Longer Duration of Treatment).

  • Visa

    To Know Everything About Indian e-Medical Visa, Please Click here

Insurance TPA
Slide Ten

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